What is Coaching

Coaching is available on a variety of topics, but what makes our work coaching is our focus on you getting better.

Counseling does happen from time to time in coaching sessions, but only when a mental barrier gets in the way of progress on your goals. Some people want more coaching while others want more counseling, consider discussing this in your first session.

The Ideal

Your coach knows you, trains you, encourages you, and pushes you in just the right ways. They are focused on your success and goals while keeping an eye out for obstacles that might get in your way.


To become great you must study greatness, while most supervisors, managers, and coaches will focus on your failures. Studying a bad performance and practicing how to avoid it doesn’t make you great, it simply makes you not bad.

What I believe is that you can leverage your strengths into the career and home life that you want, but first, you must give up on your weaknesses. They will always be there and they will always hold you back no matter how good you get at them.

The Reality

What holds most people back is often their perceptions about their world and their self-defeating thoughts. In the real world, the obstacles are not physical and can not be defeated by a list of tips or a new strategy.

Peak Performance

If it’s your goal to get better at something, the strategy you must follow is called Deliberate Practice. This term was coined by the researcher and author Anders Ericsson, and you can read all about it in his book Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise.

What we’ll do together is develop new routines that will target your skill development in a motivated, engaged, and purposeful manner. And, we’ll check in on your progress by looking back at your successes and working through realistic hypotheticals so that you are prepared every week for the challenges ahead of you. Yes, it is true that this method takes 10 years of practice, but when I help you figure out your flow triggers, we can accelerate that development and cut it in half.

It’s not about the hours you put in.

It’s about what you put into the hours