What is Counseling

Counseling and psychology often get a bad rap for not being a “hard science,” but in fact, it’s the exact opposite. Figuring out what is going on in your mind so that you can resolve your distress willingly is incredibly hard work, and I would argue it’s a pretty hard science. Jokes aside, there are 3 primary counseling techniques that I use to help my clients break through and start seeing real results in their lives. My goal is for you as my client to not need my help because you have learned ways to treat yourself, comfort yourself, and dare I say enjoy yourself without shame or guilt. The 3 therapeutic techniques I predominately use with clients are: REBT, Positive Psychology, and TA

Ok, but what is counseling really…

Counseling is a process where I help you tap into your limitations by asking questions, making observations, and facilitating activities, all while keeping you focused on solutions that will leave you feeling strong. Counseling requires a willingness to take action, readiness to make changes to your life script, and the ability to follow through on your own treatment plan.

What I often find most rewarding about this work is that my clients often end up resolving deeper issues that have been causing suffering, pain, fear, anger, and shame. These issues are often tied to the delicate life balance of work and life. My focused training as a career counselor has given me the opportunity to help people deal with everything from work loss to career insecurity, imposter syndrome, and lack of life purpose and drive.

I’ve worked closely with professionals on developing what I call Career Clarity, which once assessed will tell you what to do, who to do it with, where to do it, and why you should do it. I’ve also received additional training in Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, Career Construction Theory, Myers-Briggs and Jungian Typology, Supervision of Licensed Counselors, and Flow. Feel free to research these if you’d like, I’ll always be transparent about my methods as I promise you I’m not a wizard and aim to help you rather than impress you. I can assure you that while other therapists will have you taking assessments and intakes in your first paid session, we’ll be working on resolving a real issue so you get your money’s worth and start moving forward.

The purpose of counseling is to help you feel more comfortable with your current situation. For example, if you want to change careers because you hate your boss at work and they are causing you to lose focus, avoid meetings, and dread work, we’ll need to address more than just a job search strategy in a session. The reality is that you’ll need to deal with this person in the immediate future and that you’ll most likely have a boss or teammate like them in the future. So, rather than only dealing with the surface-level issue of a pending career change, we’ll dive deeper into your emotional state and resolve any dysfunctional thought patterns holding you back from enjoying your days. We’ll develop strategies that allow you to play to your strengths and get back in the zone, so you can make progress on your goals and experience life with gratitude and not negativity.

Counseling is considered an elegant solution to your problem because it resolves even future issues that are similar thematically. Coaching is more solution-focused and is considered a practical solution to your problem because it helps you at the moment until the next problem arises. This is why I do both in my practice and why we should talk about this approach in your first session. But I’m warning you now if you get me talking about this topic I might just turn you into a career counselor too.

The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you found out why.